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Delight in Preaching God's Word Always- Isaiah 6:9 -13

  "Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed."  (Isaiah 6:10). Polycarp, who lived in the first generation after the apostles, was born in Smyrna and later became the bishop of the city. He was the last survivor of those who had talked with the eyewitnesses of Jesus. As a very old man, he was arrested, tried and condemned. When asked to renounce his faith in Christ, he replied, "Eighty-six years have I served him and he hath done me no wrong. How can I speak evil of my King who saved me? He was set ablaze. But the flames refused to consume him, he was killed with the sword and then burned. Isaiah was commissioned to a spiritually insensitive people, a people who were dull of hearing. They were dull of hearing because they had no interest in hearing the word of God preached. Thus, the prophet voiced his frustration because of the fut

Wise Men don't act like Fools - Proverbs 21:20

Wise people live in wealth and luxury, but stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it” (Proverbs 21:20 GNT).

Today’s verse shows us God’s IQ test.

Let’s see how smart you are: Wise people save for the future, but foolish people spend whatever they get.

If we want God’s blessing on our finances, we must learn to save and invest for the future. We need to save regardless of our level of income because God is teaching us to be disciplined and wise with our money. He is teaching us to live on less than we make each month so that we can intentionally put away some to save.

God says that’s being responsible.

There is a question you can ask yourself that will help you save more money. It’s very simple. When you get ready to buy something, ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” And then be honest with yourself.

For instance, do I really need a new car? Well, I know I’d like it. But do I really need it? Do I really need this upgrade? I know I’d like it, but do I really need it?

A fundamental financial principle is this: When you spend your money, it’s gone. But when you save your money, your money works for you. If you’ll do things God’s way, you can get out of debt and invest in the future by saving.


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